Article : Don't Withhold Feeds After Reduction...

Don't Withhold Feeds After Reduction of Intussusception in the ED

Feeding children within 2 hours after air or contrast enema reduction did not increase risk for complications.

In a retrospective cohort study of children admitted to a pediatric emergency department (ED) observation unit after successful air or contrast enema reduction of intussusception, investigators compared the effect on complications of early (<2 hours) versus late (?2 hours) postreduction feeding. Patients with spontaneous reduction and those who required surgical reduction were excluded.

Of 149 patients (median age, 16 months) enrolled between 2003 and 2009, 61 were fed early and 88 were fed late. The two groups were similar in presenting symptoms, age, duration of illness, and number of reduction attempts. No patient developed intestinal perforation, shock, or sepsis (the primary outcome). No significant differences were noted between early and late feeders in intussusception recurrence (8% and 15%), use of imaging after reduction (20% and 22%), length of stay in the ED observation unit (15.6 and 16.1 hours), and admission to the hospital from the ED observation unit (3% and 8%).


Adekunle-Ojo AO et al. Intussusception: Postreduction fasting is not necessary to prevent complications and recurrences in the emergency department observation unit. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011 Oct; 27:897.