Article : Colorectal Cancer Resections in the Oldest Old Between 2011 and 2012 in The Netherlands

Verweij N, Schiphorst A, Maas H, Zimmerman D, van den Bos F, Pronk A, Borel Rinkes I, Hamaker M

INTRODUCTION Adequate decision-making in elderly colorectal cancer patients requires accurate information regarding risks of treatment. We analysed the outcome and survival of colorectal resections in the oldest old (≥85 years).

METHODS An analysis of the 2011-2012 data from two large nationwide registries: the Dutch Surgical Colorectal Audit (DSCA), containing all colorectal cancer resections, and the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR), containing survival data for all newly diagnosed malignancies.

RESULTS The study included more than 1200 patients aged ≥85 years (DSCA n = 1232, NCR n = 1206). The postoperative complication rate was 41 % in the oldest old. The frequency of cardiopulmonary complications rose rapidly with age, from 11 % in those<70 years to 38 % for the oldest old (p < 0.001). Postoperative 30-day mortality rate was 10 % in the oldest old. Three-month mortality was 14 % (compared with 3 % of patients<85 years; p < 0.001). One-year mortality was 24 % and 2-year mortality 36 %. After correction for expected mortality in the general population, excess mortality for the oldest old was 12 % in the first year and 3 % in the second year.

CONCLUSIONS In this study of more than 1200 colorectal cancer patients aged ≥85 years undergoing surgical resection, we found high rates of cardiopulmonary complications and excess mortality, particularly in the first year after surgery. We propose that these data could be incorporated into individualized treatment algorithms, which also include detailed information regarding the patients' health status.

