syed nazair mansoor
Profile Summary
Profile Picture:
Gender: Male
Speciality: Pharmacology
Position : Pharmacist
Nationality : Pakistan
Have you worked in Saudi Arabia?: No
Duration in Saudi:
Current Location: Pakistan
Certificates Earned: Saudi Licensing Exam for health Specialties (Pharmacy Specialist) with 67% (Confirmation number: 8885000000890601 and Exam Center: 8781 Prometric Center)
Scientific Achievements: I. Study conducted as a course work of Community Pharmacy on the subject of “Abuse of Narcotic Drugs” based on the facts and figures of Drug abuse potentials. II. Work on project of Research on; “Clinical Management of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Base upon the knowledge about the Disease and its Management along with latest strategies in its treatment and Probability of disease with respect to Patient location and surrounding.
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