Medical News

150 Dengue Cases in Jeddah Every Week

Added On : 3rd May 2013

JEDDAH — Dr. Ahmad Abu Khatwah, environmental adviser at Jeddah Mayoralty, said dengue fever cases in Jeddah have reached 150 cases a week.

He said the rate is alarming as it is the highest since 2006 when there were an average of 70 cases a week. The total number of recorded dengue fever cases so far this year reached 1,300 cases, and field teams from the municipality on a daily basis disinfects about 600 new sites where mosquitoes breed.

Most of the sites are in broken down neighborhoods and around buildings occupied by low-paid foreign laborers. In addition, abandoned buildings, sea front private resorts, buildings under construction, and pools of water are also locations were mosquitoes multiply.

Saudi Gazette