Medical News

Cancer and Alzheimer's 'Mutually Protective'

Added On : 12th July 2013

Cancer and Alzheimer's 'mutually protective'An unexplained link between cancer and Alzheimer’s disease could prevent elderly patients who suffer with one condition from developing the other, scientists claim.

Elderly people with Alzheimer’s are 50 per cent less likely to develop cancer than others of the same age, while those with cancer are at 35 per cent lower risk of Alzheimer’s, researchers found.

Both conditions are linked to the ageing process but while cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell growth, Alzheimer’s is characterised by the death of cells in the brain.

The mysterious link could be explained by genes which raise the likelihood of one of these problems arising, but simultaneously reduce the risk of the other, researchers explained.

The association between the two diseases had been noticed before, but a study published in the Neurology journal was the largest yet to examine the link.

Researchers from the National Research Council of Italy studied the health records of 204,468 people aged 60 and above during a six-year period, including 21,451 cases of cancer and 2,832 of Alzheimer’s, and found that fewer people than would be expected developed both diseases.

The results were the same in people who died as those who were still living at the end of the study, meaning that lower life expectancy as a result of one disease did not account for the lower risk of the other.

Dr Catherine Roe of Washington University in St Louis, who first reported the link between the diseases in a 2005 paper, told New Scientist magazine: “There may be some genetic factor that, if it’s tipped one way, it may cause abnormal cell growth, and tipped another way, it may cause abnormal cell death.”

A tumour-suppressing gene known as TP53, for example, is more active in Alzheimer’s patients and deactivated in half of cancer tumours, suggesting it could play such a role.

The ageing process could also provide an explanation, she added, because as we grow older many cells stop dividing and release inflammatory proteins, which lowers the risk of cancer but may also trigger disorders of the brain.


Nick Collins -