Medical News

'Obesity Gene' Increases Appetite

Added On : 16th July 2013

Big Mac burger from a McDonalds restaurantObesity is in your genes, according to a study which found that one in six people inherits a trait which makes them feel less full after eating.

People with a mutation in a gene known as FTO have higher levels of a "hunger hormone" in their blood which make them feel hungry again shortly after eating.

They also have greater activity in regions of the brain linked to the control of eating and reward when shown pictures of appetising food, researchers found.

The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, could explain why people with the high-risk variant of the FTO gene have larger appetites and eat higher-calorie foods, as shown in previous research.

Scientists from University College London studied 359 men who either had two copies of the high-risk gene, or two copies of a genetic variant thought to cause low risk of obesity.

Levels of ghrelin usually fall after eating, removing feelings of hunger, but blood samples from 20 of the volunteers revealed that those with the high-risk variation did not suppress the hormone in the normal way.

MRI scans revealed that the high-risk group also had more activity in their brain's reward centres and in the hypothalamus, which controls appetite.

Dr Rachel Batterham, who led the study, explained: "“We've known for a while that variations in the FTO gene are strongly linked with obesity, but until now we didn’t know why.

"What this study shows us is that individuals with two copies of the obesity-risk FTO variant are biologically programmed to eat more. Not only do these people have higher ghrelin levels and therefore feel hungrier, their brains respond differently to ghrelin and to pictures of food – it’s a double hit."


Nick Collins -