Medical News

Protect Children’s Teeth from Decay

Added On : 1st January 2014

It is known that children do not brush their teeth in a proper manner and unfortunately most mothers do not know how to do it, too. 

It is rare in this part of the world to find families that make their children brush their teeth before going to bed and after every meal though it is a common practice in the West.

The surface of the teeth is not smooth or flat but is rough with cusps and cracks with fissures. When chewing, teeth rub against each other and they exhaust the protective surface of molars.

It has been found that a large number of cases of molar decay are caused by food leftover that is collected easily in these cracks and fissures, especially when the teeth is not brushed in a proper manner. Thus begins the fermentation process. The food waste with the help of the mouth germs and under the suitable conditions of appropriate oral temperature and humidity causes fermentation. The process is at its peak during the first half hour after eating. This fermentation secretes some lactic acid that dissolves tooth enamel, which is the protective outer layer of the teeth.

Research centers and dental companies have found out ways to cover these fissures with sealant that is applied in the cracks and gaps in children’s teeth to work as barrier. Dentists fill these fissures and prevent the gathering of leftovers in them, thus greatly reducing the chances of forming cavities.

Treatment method

This treatment is done to the sound teeth only. The teeth surfaces must be cleaned completely.

Etching acid (with 37% phosphoric acid) is applied for 15 seconds on the fissures of the occlusal surface to create gaps for the retention of the fissure sealant. Teeth are then thoroughly washed with water to remove the acidic material.

The problem tooth is dried and isolated by wrapping it with a cotton ball. The sealant is then applied to the fissures, cracks or gaps. The sealant material is activated by projecting light to it.

The fissure sealant is composed of resin material plus fluoride, which gives extra protection against cavities. This material stays for about two years and can be reapplied if dissolved.


Dr. Faaiz Abu Ghazal - Saudi Gazette