Medical News

Reducing Stress Provides Allergy Relief

Added On : 23rd April 2014

For most of us in the Northern hemisphere the prospect of some warmth from summer sunshine is a long overdue treat. But the downside of the spring and summer months is the looming prospect of itchy eyes, sore throats, sneezing and blocked or runny noses.

Last year an estimated 24 million Americans were diagnosed with hay fever and it seems the numbers of people suffering with allergies is increasing. Typically, allergy sufferers stoically get out the tissues, or they look for some kind of over-the-counter relief, or both. Mild symptoms can be relieved by over-the-counter medications but even these can affect concentration and can even disrupt sleep patterns. Is there anything else that can be done?

As much as allergies can become a source of stress so it seems stress can affect allergy flare-ups. In the April edition of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, researchers report their findings that people most prone to negative moods and stress symptoms experienced a higher number of flare-ups.

The research team from The Ohio State University analyzed the relationship between stress and allergy flare-ups by following the course of 179 patients over a 12-week period. During this time thirty-nine percent had more than one allergy flare-up. They quickly discovered that those with highest stress levels were more likely to experience flare-ups. Within the high stress group, 64 percent had more than four flares over two, 14 days periods.

Stress doesn’t cause allergies but it does have a negative effect on the immune system so allergy sufferers may benefit from anything that reduces stress. Clearly allergy sufferers need to try and avoid allergy triggers and individual treatments can be tailored accordingly.

There are many stress reduction techniques including relaxation, meditation, mindfulness and yoga. Attention should also be directed towards a balanced diet and cutting down caffeine, alcohol and smoking. Regular sleep patterns and even asking for help when things get a bit too much will all help to reduce the overall effects of stress.


Jerry Kennard - Healthcentral