Medical News

How Depression, Stress and Anger Impair...

Added On : 12th June 2014

How Depression, Stress and Anger Impair Physical Health

The impact of our emotions far surpasses our mental outlook.  Negative emotions such as stress, depression and anger are literally making us sick – a conclusion supported by a recent study’s finding that neural circuitry directly affects the functioning of the heart, meaning one's mental state could increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.    

Reports show that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with about 600,000 people dying each year – that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. Additionally, one in four adults experiences mental illness in a given year.  While there can be various other genetic and environmental factors contributing to heart disease, mental health seems sure to be one of them. In an effort to better understand how emotions contribute to heart health, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh conducted a survey on 157 healthy adult volunteers (controlled for genetic and behavioral heart disease factors) who were asked to regulate their emotional responses to unpleasant pictures while their brain activity and artery health were monitored. 

The results, published in the May edition of Biological Psychiatry, revealed that individuals who showed higher levels of brain activity when regulating negative emotions also showed higher blood levels of interleukin-6, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, which indicates progressive damage to blood vessels supplying the heart and brain.  This is known as atherosclerosis – a process which leads to stroke and heart attack.  Researchers claim that these findings substantiate the belief that emotions are linked to the heart, and the connection may lie in the regions of the brain where emotions and inflammation are regulated.           

Fortunately there are many ways to improve mental health, including therapies, medications and lifestyle changes.  Some things that everyone can do to improve their emotional outlook include:

  • Keep a daily journal to reflect on daily events and emotions. Studies have shown that brief journaling sessions can aid self-discovery, establish new goals, and spur motivation.
  • Designate a time each day when you will go “tech-free” and focus your attention on relaxation and organizing your thoughts.  More than 30 percent of American adults spend at least seven hours a day looking at electronic screens.  A recent study concluded that those who aren’t glued to technology are less stressed and more productive.
  • Surround yourself with reminders of happy memories like photographs and souvenirs.  Nostalgia may feel bittersweet, but research shows that thinking about a good memory for just 20 minutes per day can help ward off depression. 
  • Find a creative outlet.  Expressing yourself through any form of artistic expression can provide an outlet for stress, while expanding individual strengths and skills.
  • Try mindfulness meditation, which has been proven to be effective in promoting stress reduction and productivity.  A UCLA study showed that the brain actually gets stronger as meditation is practiced over time, improving memory, attention, thought, and self-confidence. 
  • Physical activity and a healthy diet can’t be stressed enough.  At the very least you should get 2.5 hours per week of moderate aerobic activity, or 1.5 hours of vigorous aerobic activity coupled with at least two 30-minute strength training sessions per week.   Eat a well-rounded and nutritious diet, incorporating vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, proteins, and very little sugar. 

A. Page - Editor - Healthcentral