Medical News

5 Triggers That Could Be Wreaking Havoc On Your Asthma

Added On : 1st January 2015

If you have asthma then you know how many different things can trigger an attack and how those things vary from person to person.  What is even more frustrating is not knowing what triggers your asthma.  If you are still having problems with your asthma control check out these five triggers.  One of them may be wreaking havoc on your asthma!

Dust Mites

These tricky little critters live off of shed skin cells in your bedding, pillows, couches or other fabrics.  Unfortunately, these little guys also cause big problems with allergies and asthma in many people.  Washing your bedding in hot water weekly can help to limit their numbers.  Dust mite covers can be purchased at most super centers and provide a barrier between you and the dust mites which further helps to eliminate the possibility of a reaction.

Acid Reflux

Recent studies have indicated that as many as 89% of people who have asthma also have acid reflux disease.  In acid reflux disease the stomach contents splash up into the esophagus, causing irritation and pain.  These contents can also irritate the throat and airway which is how it triggers and asthma attack.  For people who have both acid reflux and asthma it can take good control of both conditions to find relief.  Acid reflux can be treated with dietary changes, weight loss, PPI medications and acid reducing medications.

Food Additives 

Many people know that food allergies can trigger asthma but if you have not tested allergic to the main allergens then you may think you are off the hook.  Not so fast!  There are also food additives like sulfites that can also trigger a reaction.  Check labels for things like sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, and sodium sulfite.  

Hidden Allergies

In addition to hidden additives there are also ways that pollen can be hidden in your food.  Fresh fruits and vegetables can carry pollen or other asthma triggers on the fruit themselves.  Be sure to wash your fruit and vegetables well.  Honey, especially raw honey, can also contain pollen that may trigger an asthmatic reaction.

If you have any allergies to antibiotics it is important to know whether your food has the potential to have antibiotics in it.  Just recently a 10 year old girl had an anaphylactic reaction to blueberry pie which was later determined to be from antibiotics used in the orchard as part of a pesticide (1).  Whenever possible buy organic and at the least buy organic for the "Dirty Dozen" foods most likely to be contaminated by pesticides. 


A recent study in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology showed that one third of the participants believed that wine made their asthma symptoms worsen.  It is thought that the sulfite preservatives (also mentioned above), histamines, or salicylates could be the root of this problem as opposed to the alcohol itself.  If you have a glass of wine every night it may be worth holding off, or trying a different alcoholic beverage, for a couple of weeks to see if your symptoms improve.


Jennifer Rackley, Health Guide - Health Central